Sunday, November 27, 2011

nine :: A Small Break from WoW & Belated Friday Overview

Oh boy, there went another Thanksgiving holiday and another Black Friday shopping rush. This is usually the time of year where you loosen your belts, suck it up, and then eat some more. However, surprisingly I didn't eat much this time even with two dinner parties back-to-back. When I slave over the stove (oven in this case) to prepare food for a lot of people, I find that I don't have much of an appetite when the dinner hour rolls around. A 22 lb turkey this year guarantees many nights of trying to creative with turkey related meals.

I also didn't get much out of Black Friday. Due to the back-to-back dinners, this year I went out much later than usual (8:00 a.m. anyone?) and didn't manage to bag any of the items that I really wanted. A new waffle maker and a knife set? All. Sold. Out. That's what I get for oversleeping! My last hope is my brother, who goes to school up in Boston. He usually goes up to NYC for Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping at the Nintendo Store. The past two years he bought me a super cute 6" Kirby Plushie - love it to death - and a Dust Mite cell phone holder (Totoro). This year I've been requesting a 12" Pink Domo Plush.  Hrmm pink seems to be my color these days.

Also, I started playing a neat app game on my iPhone called Tiny Tower. It reminds me of all the fun I had playing SimTower. Super simplified, but super cute. It's been my obsession since a friend recommended it to me on Thanksgiving. Currently at 13 floors (dun dun dun), it should be a little higher if not for the fact that I restarted my tower at least 5 times when I first started due to bad choices and trying getting the hang of the game mechanisms.

Back to WoW: Belated Friday Overview!

I managed to start bringing in a steady profit from various small items. Not a single large sale this week. So far it seems like I can average around 20-30k a week. Not exactly stellar, but it will do. Maybe in the future I will be more ambitious, but for now I am content.

Stockpiling and Inventory Efficiency

Recently, Nerf Faids posted about her personal stockpile for patch 4.3 and it made me realize that I haven't done much myself to prepare. My so called "stockpile" is like a grain of sand compared to Faids'. Way past time to get busy, I find myself wondering if it's too late to get a good stock. The patch is due to hit anytime in these upcoming weeks.

On a side note, after looking at all my character banks, I see that I have a lot of space I could utilize. Using my Priest as an example, I have filled her bank and inventory slots with 36 slot enchanting bags. She is my enchanting mats hoarder and to DE all the random greens I don't want cluttering up my raiding toon's bags. I need to do something similar with my other alts. My rogue, the miner, I can easily start stockpiling ores and bars. I currently have too many holiday items and vanity costumes. I will be a painful to toss/vendor/ah the items, but out they must go. A better use of inventory space will help with more efficient processing and leads to more gold in the long run.

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