Thursday, November 17, 2011

seven :: Finger in the Jewelcrafting Pie, Friday Overview & Goal

As the title states, I finally decided to put a finger into the JC pie. I haven't really tried to mass sell any cuts since Wrath, and I wish I took part in the Obsidium Shuffle when the prices were rock bottom. Oh well. I take what I can get these days, and it's a fairly nice deal. There is definitely some stiff competition in this slice of the market and your ability to sell the gems is timing and a lot of luck if you can't stand at the auction house all day guarding your posts. A few times, mere seconds after posting, I have had someone buy the auction. Any lasting longer would usually be undercut well within 10 minutes. I took note of the top competitors and their posting times on TUJ and posted only after they have all logged off. Then I hop to bed and wake up the next morning with most of them were sold. Works great for me! Less stress at having to constantly cancel and repost.

There is a balance between selling gems and saving for possible uses for Epic transmute.

Next stop, enchanting scrolls with all the mats I've stocked up on DE'ing the jewelery I made. I don't think making glyphs would ever be an option for me this expansion. Maybe I will try it in MoP... maybe.... As for inscription, I wonder what the future of the Darkmoon trinkets will look like in Patch 4.3.

I am glad that I started this blog. I has allowed me to become more goal oriented and it is great for taking notes in a fun way. It has also brought me back to Photoshop, and I'm having tons of fun with that as well. In my raiding guild, there was recently a paid name change and I had the opportunity to make a new header for the guild site. I am rather proud of the work I did on it. Cheers to more in the future!

And as for that, I have hit my first Gold Goal - 100k gold! Now, my next would obviously be 200k. Let's see how far I can get before Patch 4.3 hits.

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